News article
A452 Europa Way, Leamington Spa – Upcoming Carriageway Resurfacing Works
Carriageway resurfacing work is due to commence on Monday 10th May 2021 and are programmed to take 9 days. A road closure will be in place and a diversion signed when works are taking place. Working hours during the week are anticipated to be 20.00 – 06.00. There are no weekend works currently planned. Please see plan on reverse of this letter for extent of works.
The proposed programme of works is as follows:
Monday 10th – Wednesday 13th May. Replace & adjust existing ironwork. Kerbing works (Section C)
Monday 10th May. Remove existing road surface & lay first layer of new surface (Section A)
Tuesday 11th May. Remove existing road surface & lay first layer of new surface (Section B)
Wednesday 12th May – Thursday 13th May. Replace & adjust existing ironwork. Kerbing works (Section A & B)
Friday 14th May. Final road surface laid & new road markings (Section A & B)
Monday 16th May. Finishing works (Sections A, B & C).
Vehicle access for the Police Traffic base will be maintained. When travelling through the works, please be aware of temporary road surfaces and raised ironwork and drive slowly.
Please ensure that vehicles are parked outside of the site extents during planned working hours.
If during the works you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the contractors Surfacing Manager Paul Kelly who will be in a position to deal with your concerns directly on telephone number 07837- 319323 (08:30 – 16:30hrs).