News article
BT Parish Council welcomes plan to make all new homes carbon zero
Warwick District Council has launched a consultation asking the public their views on whether all new homes built in the district should be required to be Net Zero Carbon.
Bishop’s Tachbrook Parish Council and Tachbrook Residents Action On Climate Change (TRACC) welcome this positive action. This has been a long held ambition that is reflected in the sustainable development policies of Bishop’s Tachbrook Neighbourhood Plan which is scheduled for referendum 30 September 2021. It is hoped that, if the consultation is successful, the new Zero Carbon planning policy will be adopted as part of the Local Development Plan in 2022. Bishop’s Tachbrook will discuss following suit and amending their Neighbourhood Plan accordingly
Housing makes up around 20% of all greenhouse gas emissions and these new planning conditions, if approved, will have a major impact in reducing our carbon footprint. Once adopted it will enable BT Parish Council to assess whether planning applications they consider meet the new carbon zero standards. It is hoped that this will also ensure that developers play their part in designing homes that do not use fossil fuels, therefore avoiding the need for expensive retrofits when the old-style energy systems become redundant. Changing the way new homes are built will benefit generations to come.
Cllr. Martin Drew (portfolio holder for the environment and climate change on Bishop’s Tachbrook Parish Council and TRACC founder) said that “This is a real move in the right direction and underlines local action being required to lead the way in combating climate change. Extreme weather, from intense heat to mass floods, demonstrate that the effects of global warming are happening faster than ever. It is vital to act now.”
TRACC is implementing a range of projects. In addition to supporting Carbon zero new homes, TRACC is active in developing a range of initiatives such as:
- Re-wilding green spaces around the Parish;
- Setting up a repair cafe to give a new lease of life to a host of household items and not add to landfill;
- Extending cycleways and footpaths to encourage healthier, greener lifestyles; and
- Installing community electric vehicle charging & renewable energy systems.
Bishop’s Tachbrook is acting now before it’s too late.
For more information contact Martin Drew or Bishop Tachbrook Parish Council’s clerk.