News article
Councils reaffirm their commitment to tackling climate change
Next week Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councillors will be considering a report which paves the way for the Councils to joint refocus and intensify their work to respond to the climate emergency. For the first time, the two Councils will be setting out their shared ambitions to reduce carbon emissions and to prepare for the impacts of changing weather patterns across South Warwickshire.
The proposals include a joined programme of work to develop a Climate Change Action Programme (CCAP) covering the whole of South Warwickshire and commitment to delivering many of the recommendations brought forward by the People’s Inquiry into Climate Change.
Further information on the process, findings and response to the recommendations of Warwick District’s People’s Inquiry on Climate Change and the Councils’ report on their combined Climate Change Ambitions can be viewed on the Warwick District Council website.