News article
Dads’ Army and the Land Girl – A wild encounter
Sunday 27th February was witness to a coming together of Dads’ Army, otherwise known as the Parish Working Party, and the Land Girl, more properly known as Olivia Williams of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust. Our aim was to create wildflower areas around parts of The Meadow in order to increase the biodiversity of flora and fauna.
Olivia scarified the ground and the working party then raked off the grass. We all then had a go at broadcasting the wildflower seed mixed in with sand to allow it to settle. The areas will be left without mowing until August so you should see some interesting plants appearing. In subsequent years the plants should develop even more.
We planted:
- Corncockle
- Corn Chamomile Cornflower
- Corn Marigold
- Corn Poppy
- All the above are annuals Yarrow
- Oxeye Daisy
- Meadow Cranesbill Rough Hawkbit
- Birdsfoot Trefoil
- Wild Carrot
- Cowslip
- Musk Mallow
- Hoary Plantain
- Small Scabious
- Tufted Vetch
- Yellow Rattle
- Wild Foxglove
- Field Scabious
- Hedgerow Cranesbill Garlic Mustard
- Hedge Woundwort Meadowsweet
Read more great stories like this in the Parish Magazine.