News article
Harbury Lane, Warwick – Proposed Cycle Tracks Order
Warwickshire County Council is considering making a Cycle Tracks Order pursuant to the Cycle Tracks Act 1984, the effect of which would be to convert a footpath into a 3 metre wide shared use cycle track with a right of way for pedal cycles and on foot.
A drawing showing the length of footpath proposed to be converted coloured orange is included overleaf and available online at A statement setting out the Council’s reasons for proposing this scheme is included below.
If you wish to make any comments or representations relating to this proposal, please send these via email to by no later than 4 November 2024.
The County Council is considering making a Cycle Tracks Order pursuant to the Cycle Tracks Act 1984, the effect of which would be to create a 3m wide route as shown coloured orange in the attached drawing numbered 9.2-C43-017-014, converting the existing footpath into a shared use cycle track for use by people walking, wheeling and cycling. The County Council is required, pursuant to the Cycle Tracks Regulations Act 1984, to consult with organisations representing persons who use the footpath, District and Parish Councils, statutory undertakers whose operational land is crossed by the route and the chief officer of Police prior to making a Cycle Tracks Order.
Improvement works are underway to upgrade and widen the surface of the footpath and provide lighting, to provide all-weather and all-year round connections between homes, schools and local amenities. Lighting columns will be six metres in height and include back-shields to prevent light pollution into adjacent properties. LED lanterns with low Kelvin and low Wattage will be directed onto the footpath to minimise impact to properties and wildlife.