News article

TRACC news February 2021

A TRACC zoom meeting was held 9/02/2021

Attending: Keith Wellsted, Emma Royston, Kay Haycock, Martin Drew

The purpose of the meeting was to decide on future plans and actions during 2021

Communication Strategy & Action Plan

As discussed at the last TRACC meeting, it is essential to develop an effective communications strategy to achieve the goal:

“To build resilience to the impacts of climate change and reduce our Green House Gas (GHG) emissions throughout Bishop’s Tachbrook Parish”      

Scope of Climate Action areas

  1. All new buildings should be designed to be carbon neutral (See NP)
  2. Decarbonisation of existing private homes
  3. Improve air quality
  4. More effective waste management, reduce packaging and plastic waste
  5. The creation of renewable energy infrastructure including the building of Community solar farms and wind turbine electricity generation
  6. Carbon free transport including the installation of public charging points
  7. Sustainable food and self-sufficiency grow your own
  8. Promote healthy lifestyles
  9. Protect the environment by ecological care of our landscape and green spaces
  10. Ensure sustainable agriculture

Communication strategy

Develop a strategy incorporating the action plan to engage, inform and motivate all BT residents to take steps to reduce their household carbon footprint, adopt healthy lifestyles, support measures to ensure sustainability in community premises and activities, protect the environment and encourage natural diversity

 Communication (proposal)

  • Target all BT households and age groups
  • Newsletter on Parish website/magazine
  • Social media page featuring newsletter and interactive area for suggestions and comments
  • Regular news bulletins to inform local media about upcoming events & activities


M Drew to liaise with Alan Rhead & Dave Barber at WDC plus other stakeholders at WCC and local Climate Action Groups to review and advise on communications strategy and remit.

Projects agreed at Zoom Meeting

Expert webinars

OrganIse schedule of Zoom talks by experts in specific areas of reducing GHG emissions and provide news on the latest developments and technology


Emma Royston to research list of experts will to give webinars with Q& As. MD to contact Coventry Green to do like wise.

Communications campaign will be developed to promote the events.

Index of Trusted Contractors

Draw up a list of local companies (recommended by residents, WDC, local Climate Change action groups etc) specialising in carrying out zero carbon installation such as renewable energy systems, insulation, home energy surveys etc.


All TRACC members to contribute

Repair, recycle exchange centre

Post pandemic as recommended by KW, the new Shed could be used to set up a repair shop and recycle facility (similar to Action 21 and Barford Repair shop). Residents bring along electrical or mechanical objects that need restoring to full working glory. Shed could also be used as an exchange centre for items residents wish give away or donate to charity. In addition, experts on how to carry out restoration/repair, or DIY home decarbonising jobs could use the venue for talks.


K Wellsted to contact Barford Repair Shop to learn “how to”

Engage young people

Develop projects for BT schools including wildlife diversity the

projects throughout Parish & Country Park


Kay Haycock to progress

TRACC steering group’s focus

To generate and promote ideas for actions and events with short and long term delivery times such as:

  • Repair shop (electrical equipment, machinery, white goods) & exchange
  • Energy saving forum
  • Family Cycle Club
  • Sustainable food & exercise Hub
  • Go Green Club (young people)
  • Special projects

To provide information and act as a catalyst for change. Influence and encourage residents to develop and adopt green solutions and make lifestyle decisions that will benefit them and the community. Bottom up initiatives give people agency in effecting behavioural change with the rewards of improved wellbeing, energy cost saving and help sustain the planet for future generations.

  • Tailored help for residents who are limited in their ability to make change through disability or low income
  • Regular resident meetings with expert speakers, demonstrations etc
  • Fact finding visits to local sustainability/energy initiative
  • Create an on line climate change reference resource sub set on Parish website
  • Support and cooperate with other BT community groups, local schools, businesses and individual projects
  • Lobby and liaise with WDC & WCC and other bodies to keep abreast of the latest developments and feedback news on new BT initiatives
  • Liaise with Climate Change Groups to benefit from cross fertilization of ideas
  • Explore and secure project funding and grants from local and government authorities, businesses and charities for Individual and community initiatives
  • Develop contacts and input from experts who live in the Parish, at local universities and businesses
  • Assess progress and steer future actions accordingly

Action Plan Operation & support

  • Set up working groups tasked with responsibility for organising specific events, knowledge base, and special projects
  • Develop a roadmap and timing for events

Promote healthy lifestyles

Publicise Cycle bus, Oakley Mile and Dog walking activities (further information required plus who will be responsible for actioning this)

Activity report – January/February

Decarbonising Village Halls Presentation slides available To open and download the file, please enter the following password: VHW2021

St Chads is built to quite rigorous energy saving standards although it is not Carbon neutral. However presentation icould be useful for other buildings such as Social Club, Croft Surgery.

Climate Coalition

Brian Austin after reading KW article in Parish Mag contacted TRACC to Inform us that he is the local Community Champion for the Climate Coalition, (see attached letter) and Warwickshire Climate Alliance (WCA) it provides links to many organisations working on climate change:

Dean Cooper, Heathcote, also contacted me after reading KW article in Parish Mag maybe new TRACC member.