News article
Update on the school entrance / Harbury Lane crossroads work
The Parish Coucnil has today received an update on the school entrance / Harbury Lane crossroads works.
Unfortunately, due to delays on site, the contractor has postponed the planned dates for surfacing and replanned for new dates.
It is now to be carried out over four Saturday evenings between 20:00 hours through to Sunday Mornings at 06:00 hours thus:
- 27/28 July – Plain out existing and lay binder course Oakley Wood Rd
- 03/04 August – Surface course Oakley Wood Rd and Tachbrook Rd
- 10/11 August – Surface Course Harbury Lane
- 17/18 August – Slot cutting for detector loops & road marking
The contractor has addressed the issue with lorries passing through Bishops Tachbrook. The surfacing contractor has been told under no circumstances that they use the B4087 through Tachbrook and must use Harbury Lane and/or Tachbrook Rd North to access and exit the site. They apologise for any inconvenience and disturbance caused on the night of 13/14 July.
Works are quickly coming to completion, the contractor is working on minor things at multiple locations around the site that may appear chaotic, these works are installing mowing blocks around service covers in the verge, threading draw-cord through newly laid duct, installing sign poles and verge reinstatement. By week ending 28/07/24 all civil works will be complete. Anticipated outstanding works at that point are:
- Street lighting and illuminated signage need to be installed and it is anticipated these works being completed by 23/08/24 with minimal disruption to traffic flows.
- The surfacing will be completed w/end of 10/11 Aug.
- Road marking & Slot cutting for signal loops 17/18 Aug under the final closure night. Although some of the road marking will be laid during the day of the preceding week.
- Traffic signal installation. These will be started mid-August and completed week ending 30/08/2024.
- The temporary traffic signals will remain in place until the final commissioning of the new signals, the temporary signals during non-working times will, as close as possible, match those of the permanent signals.
The footpath will be kept open at all times on at least one side of Oakley Wood Road for the duration of the remaining works.
The end is in sight!