News article

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner to hold online feedback session

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe will be holding an online feedback session to enable parish and town councils to share their views as he sets the budget for Warwickshire Police for 2023/24. What priorities should that budget look to fund, and what would make a difference to local communities in Warwickshire?

The meeting will hear the results of the online public consultation held from September to December, in which the public were asked to share their experience of policing in the county and where they felt funding priorities should lie. The Commissioner is keen to understand how that tallies with what local elected representatives are being told by their parishes and wards.

A presentation of the financial challenges facing policing and a high-level summary of the considerations of the draft budget for policing will also be shared, including the options under consideration for the police element of Council Tax.

The session will be held on Microsoft Teams from 1pm-2.30pm on Thursday, 12 January 2023.   All councillors and clerks are welcome to attend. This will be your opportunity to talk to the Commissioner, hear more about the plans for the year ahead and help influence policy decisions going forward.

To register for the event – and to submit a question or comment in advance when doing so – visit our EventBrite page at:

We hope you will be able to send a representative on behalf of your local communities.

In the meantime, the ‘Your Police, Your Views’ online survey is still open for public feedback at until 16 December.  We would encourage everyone to add their comments to help shape the first part of the feedback to the Commissioner.