News article
Attempted Fraud – Scam Calls Warning
Please be aware that scam telephone calls are being made to Warwickshire residents. Warwickshire Police’s Safer Neighbourhood Teams in the Warwick, Leamington Spa and Kenilworth areas are appealing to all residents, especially the elderly or vulnerable and those who may care for them, to be aware of these scam calls.
On Thursday, 5 October, a resident in Kenilworth was contacted by an offender who purported to be from the Fraud Department of a well-known bank. They told the resident they were trying to catch a scammer and even provided the name of the so-called suspect. They then asked the resident to transfer £28,000 to a specified account in order for them to trace the suspect.
Believing this to be true, the resident went to her bank and transferred the amount. Luckily, the staff at the resident’s bank picked up what was happening and cancelled the payment. These things can be embarrassing for those who become victims. However, no one should feel embarrassed as the offenders making these calls can sound very professional and plausible.
This event highlights:
- Scam Telephone calls are being made to homes in Kenilworth.
- The caller on these scam calls sounds plausible and can easily deceive people.
- Residents, especially those who care for elderly or vulnerable people, need to be extra vigilant.
- Do NOT give bank or personal details, such as your date of birth, to anyone over the telephone.
- Banks nor the Police Do NOT telephone people to discuss their personal accounts or ask them to transfer money.
- Put the phone down on anyone who calls whom you believe to be suspicious.
- Do NOT fall for the “I’ll ring you back” scam. Make sure that after you put the phone down, there is a dialling tone when you pick it back up. If the phone line is silent, it means the line is still open to the scammer.
If you have any concerns, receive such a call, or wish to report a fraud or cyber crime, don’t hesitate to contact Action Fraud at 0300 123 2040.