News article
Bishop’s Tachbrook Parish Council news – February 2022
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With the ending of most of the restrictions, we can now hopefully look forward to a spring where we can think about something other than closing ourselves off. I’m looking forward to being able to hold Parish Council meetings with the doors closed – the January one was particularly chilly!
At that meeting, we were joined by officers from Warwickshire County Council to update the council (and attending residents) on progress on the Bishop’s Tachbrook Secondary School. The Council and residents were disappointed to learn that the school might not be opened in 2023 due to delays in obtaining access to the land (and if I’m being brutally honest what would appear to have been a lack of focus on this matter before the latter half of 2021).
Critically important for some of our residents, if the opening is delayed until 2024 then this will mean children will either have to attend another secondary school (for their entire school life) or alternatively that arrangements could be made to accommodate them temporarily off-site and transfer them to Bishop’s Tachbrook Secondary School when the school is finished in summer 2024.
The parish council have written to the leader of the county council asking her to urgently look at this matter and ideally to intervene in a way that delivers the best results for the affected pupils. The Parish Council presently believes that over-filling existing schools with additional pupils are likely to be sub-optimal for all concerned and therefore favours an option involving temporary facilities.
Cllr. Sean Deely will be representing the Parish Council on a committee for the construction of the school and will be updating the Parish Council on a regular basis. There is also an intention to nominate a parent to sit on that committee as well.
In road news, the Parish Council has asked for several streets to have reduced speeds of 20mph. We are awaiting the results from the County Council working party, of which County Cllr. Jan Matecki is a member, to see whether we have been successful. Jan is also making some progress on drawing attention to the unsafe speeds on Harbury Lane near Heathcote school – hopefully, we can see more action here in the near future.
The play area signage has been approved and we are looking forward to it being erected in the not too distant future. Please remember that this is a children’s area so please don’t smoke or vape in the enclosed area, no dogs are allowed and please remember to put your rubbish in the bins or take it home.
Several allotment plots have become vacant on the Meadow. The clerk has been working with the allotments manager to identify residents who have requested a plot. We have been trying to prioritise people who are not within walking distance of Oakley Meadows allotments as there will be no parking for allotment users of these allotments. Progress with obtaining ownership of these allotments is still very slow due to the developer’s solicitor not engaging with our solicitor. We understand the developer is currently investigating this issue and await a response from them.
Allotment holders should also be aware that works to replace the water system in the Meadow allotments will take place later this year; any inconvenience should hopefully be offset by greater amenity at the conclusion of the works.
Annual inspections have taken place on the play area, the adult gym equipment, the Meadow and BMX track. The risks identified are all low. Our monthly play area inspector is looking to see if he is able to assist with any of the minor adjustments required. The clerk is liaising with the play area company to try and resolve the issues with the surfacing.
Our March article will include information about the precept and projects the Parish Council hope to undertake in 2022/23; we are aware of the rising costs of living and this will be taken into account when we set any increases in the precept.
We have applied for £1,500 from the County Councillor’s grant fund for 2 picnic tables on the Meadow. These tables are suitable for residents who have dogs and are unable to access the tables in the play area.
Finally, a tender document is being drawn up, by our consultants, for the car park at the edge of the Meadow (now we have planning permission). Once published we will let you advertise in the hope that there will be some local companies who wish to tender.