News article
Local groups encouraged to apply for capital grants improvements scheme
Local not-for-profit community organisations are encouraged to apply for grants of up to £20,000 from Warwick District Council’s Rural and Urban Capital
Investment Scheme (RUCIS).
The scheme is open to organisations in Warwick District looking for grants to support capital improvement projects.
Consideration is given to organisations looking to purchase or upgrade their property or equipment to provide their services to the community, such as:
- Energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy technology
- Providing disabled access or facilities
- Resurfacing of car parks, sports courts and play areas
- Essential building repairs
- New facilities such as kitchens or toilet
Grant funding of £20,000 was recently awarded to Playbox Theatre in Warwick to enable them to replace their roof.
Other funded schemes include:
- £20,000 to Leamington Lawn Tennis & Squash Club to upgrade their existing court lighting to energy-efficient LED lighting
- £2,186 to Norton Lindsey Community Pub Limited to purchase fixtures and fixtures for their community shop
- £17,814 to Cubbington Sports & Social Club for refurbished toilets, carpet and decorating
To find out more about the RUCIS scheme, visit