News article

South Warwickshire Local Plan Scoping and Call for Sites Consultation

Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils are working together to produce a new South Warwickshire Local Plan to cover the combined geographic area.

The Plan will set out the planning policies that the Councils will use to assess applications for development, as well as identifying sites to meet future needs to support housing, jobs, infrastructure and open space. It will also address the important issues of climate change, wellbeing, connectivity and biodiversity.

In the preparation of this new South Warwickshire Local Plan a six-week public consultation has now begun, asking a series of questions about what issues the new Local Plan should address; where future development might be located, and how best to accommodate growth.

At the same time, the combined councils are running a ‘Call for Sites’ exercise inviting suggestions for potential sites that could be allocated for a variety of land uses.

You can find out more information on the new South Warwickshire Local Plan by visiting This webpage also includes a summary leaflet and a short video. Comments on the consultation must be received by 5pm on Monday 21 June 2021.