News article
Tachbrook Country Park update
Following the submission of a planning application for a new country park to the local planning authority earlier this year, officers from Warwick District Council have been working behind the scenes with partner agencies including developers, ecologists, landscape architects and the County Council to ensure a smooth transfer of assets to create a much-anticipated public facility
The plans to create the 121-acre Tachbrook Country Park are subject to several complex legal agreements and coordination with adjacent developers, landowners and utility providers as well as needing to tie in with the separate applications for the new schools and homes at Oakley Grove in Bishop’s Tachbrook.
Councillor Alan Rhead, Warwick District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Climate Change commented:
“We are disappointed that the planning application process for the Country Park is taking longer than anticipated. It is however important that we take considerable care to balance the wide-ranging requirements of all stakeholders and ensure that the land is in the right condition for the successful development of an accessible and sustainable green space for our growing communities.”
Sean Deeley, Chair of the Tachbrook Country Park Steering Board and Parish Councillor added:
“As a Parish Councillor I am acutely aware of the strong desire of residents, to see the Country Park in Bishop’s Tachbrook open to the public. As mentioned above, many unforeseeable issues have arisen across the three interdependent and concurrent projects. The steering board is grateful to the key stakeholders, County Council, land owners, developers and utility providers, for their continued mutual co-operation, which will be essential to ensure that the Country Park is opened as soon as possible.”
It is hoped that the detailed plans for Tachbrook Country Park will be considered by the Council’s Planning Committee later this year. If granted the new park which is located within easy access on foot or by cycle to the new housing developments and schools in Warwick, Whitnash and Bishop’s Tachbrook will provide a stunning area for locals to enjoy fresh air, exercise, play and wildlife watching.
The Country Park will be operated by Warwick District Council under an ‘in perpetuity’ land use agreement, to be granted by Bishop’s Tachbrook Parish Council.
Further information and FAQS about Tachbrook Country Park can be found by visiting