News article

Woodland management continues to create a thriving habitat for Oakley Wood

Work is set to continue this autumn at Oakley Wood to promote the establishment of native broadleaved trees as part of a 10-year woodland management plan, in partnership with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust.

Similar to works undertaken in 2020, a third of the trees will be removed across specific areas and several 30-metre clearings will be created. These openings in the tree canopy will provide light and space for native trees to grow. The natural growth of native trees will be supplemented by increased tree planting in the wood which will begin this winter.

The larger scale work will be achieved by contractors and whilst woodland management can appear destructive, the woodland soon recovers. The works are due to start in September but will be dependent on weather and ground conditions. During these works the contractors will avoid using the path network wherever possible and any areas that are disturbed will be repaired before works are completed, which are due to end before the bird nesting season begins.

Locals can get involved in their local woodlands by volunteering with the Trust, and the charity aims to provide positive opportunity and continued access for local people through their woodland management, making them healthy and vibrant places for both people and wildlife.

The other large woodlands looked after by the Trust will see management in subsequent years as the plans progress.

Warwickshire Wildlife Trust

Warwickshire Wildlife Trust is the leading local environmental charity which works for people and wildlife in Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull. The Trust looks after over 65 reserves, we are a voluntary membership organisation supported by more than 23,000 members and 560 volunteers.  We promote a better natural environment for local wildlife and local people as part of our aim to create a living landscape in the West Midlands where wildlife and local people can live and thrive together. For more information see . Warwickshire Wildlife Trust has set up a page for woodland management frequently asked questions at

Woodland management plans

 The woodland management plans being implemented by Warwickshire Wildlife Trust in partnership with Warwick District Council have been written in agreement with and approved by the Forestry Commission; this means that the plans have met UK Forestry Standard approval criteria. All planned felling is in accordance with approved Forestry Commission felling licenses. More information on the UK forestry standard can be found at

Various reputable sources describe sustainable woodland management in more detail such as the Royal Forestry Society and the Woodland Trust found at